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Paths • 5 results

Itinerary 1 - The Abbey of San Michele and the Abbey of Novalesa

The abbey of San Michele della Chiusa, so-called “Sacra di San Michele”, stand on the top of Mount Pirchiriano, at the entrance of the Susa Valley.

The abbey was founded in 983 – 987 by Hugon de Montboissier ...

Itinerary 2 - Susa and Novalesa

Leaving Susa, the itinerary will take you through the Cenischia Valley, one of the main historical transit routes across the Alps: this ancient road was used in Middle Ages to reach France through  the Mount Cenis pass.

The Benedictine abbey ...

Itinerary 4 - Montebenedetto and Susa

The former Cathusian monastery of Montebenedetto (1000 m) lays immersed in a beautiful mountain scenery, surrounded by nature’s silent majesty, not far from the village of Villar Focchiardo. The monks of saint Bruno arrived here from the village of Losa ...

Itinerary 5 - The colour of winter

There is a thin common thread that unites the traditional feasts of the Susa Valley: certain actions and gestures that have their roots in ancient pre-Christian rituals related to fertility cults and nature are repeated in the villages of the ...

Path of the Franks

Il Sentiero dei Franchi, nato nel 1980 con l'intento di ripercorrere l'ipotetico cammino di avvicinamento dell'esercito di Carlo Magno alle Chiuse assediate dai Longobardi, segue sentieri che nei secoli hanno rappresentato un percorso privilegiato per pellegrini e viandanti in transito ...