Itinerary 1 - The Abbey of San Michele and the Abbey of Novalesa


The abbey of San Michele della Chiusa, so-called “Sacra di San Michele”, stand on the top of Mount Pirchiriano, at the entrance of the Susa Valley.

The abbey was founded in 983 – 987 by Hugon de Montboissier, a nobleman hailing from Auvergne. During the Middle Ages the abbey became one of the most important centers of culture and spirituality in Europe.

Leaving the village of Avigliana, you can continue along the Valley and, after having visited the city of Susa and its roman and medieval monuments, following the street that leads to the Mount Cenis you will arrive in the Cenischia Valley. Here you will find the village of Novalesa and the Benedictine abbey of SS. Peter and Andrew. The abbey was founded in 726 on a grassy slope situated at the foot of the mountain, not far from the village of Novalesa and it is one of the oldest monastery of the Alps.

  • development: 54 km

Dalla Sacra di San Michele si scende in direzione Avigliana e si imbocca la Strada Statale 24 del Monginevro che, attraverso i comuni di Sant'Ambrogio, Chiusa San Michele, Sant'Antonino, San Giorio e Bussoleno conduce alla città di Susa. Da Susa, dopo un breve tratto di S.S. 25, lungo la S.P. 210 si attraversa Venaus e si raggiunge Novalesa. 

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